Cheminformatics Organizing Committee

Xiche Hu

Associate Professor
University of Toledo

Biography: B.S. 1982 and M.S. 1985: Wuhan University (China) Ph.D. 1991: Wayne S ReadMore...

Research Interest: Computational/Theoretical Chemistry: Modeling of membrane p ReadMore...

Vitaly Solov'ev

Associate Professor
University of Strasbourge

Biography: Vitaly Solov\'ev has completed his PhD at the age of 27 years from the ReadMore...

Research Interest: QSPR modeling of the stability constants of the complexes of ReadMore...

Jianwen Fang

Computational Biologist
Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis National Cancer Institute

Biography: Dr. Fang is currently a computational biologist at the Nation Cancer I ReadMore...

Research Interest: Integrated data analysis, data-mining algorithms, systems bi ReadMore...

Roberto Todeschini

University of Milano-Bicocca

Biography: Roberto Todeschini is full professor of chemometrics at the Department ReadMore...

Research Interest: Chemometrics, Cheminformatics, QSAR, Mathematical chemistry.

A. Ozlem Tastan Bishop

Associate professor
Rhodes university
South Africa

Biography: 09/2012 - current: President of the South African Society for Bioinfor ReadMore...

Research Interest: Structural bioinformatics, Comparative genomics.

Chris Beecher

Chief Scientific Officer
IROA Technologies

Biography: Chris Beecher is Chief Scientific Officer for IROA Technologies. He wa ReadMore...

Chief Scientific Officer
IROA Technologies

Vladimir V. Tolstikov

Director of Metabolomics

Biography: Vladimir Tolstikov, Ph.D., is Scientist at Eli Lilly and Company. He r ReadMore...

Director of Metabolomics

David Grant

Associate Professor
University of Connecticut

Biography: He is an associate professor of pharmacology & toxicology.

Research Interest: Computational, analytical and statistical approaches for met ReadMore...

Patrick Pollard

Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine
United Kingdom

Biography: Bjoern Riefke, Head of Metabolic Profiling and Clinical Pathology, Bay ReadMore...

Research Interest: Metabolic Profiling and Clinical Pathology

Jeffrey S Patrick

Director of Marketed Technology
LECO Corporation

Biography: Dr. Jeff Patrick is the Director of Marketed Technology at LECO based ReadMore...

Director of Marketed Technology
LECO Corporation

Scott J. Tebbutt

Associate Professor
University of British Columbia

Biography: Scott Tebbutt is Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine, Di ReadMore...

Research Interest: Dr. Tebbutt’s research programme is focused on the ge ReadMore...

Vladimir E Bondarenko

Assistant Professor
Georgia State University

Biography: Dr. Vladimir E. Bondarenko is Assistant Professor at Georgia State Uni ReadMore...

Research Interest: dynamical systems, neuronal and cardiac cell models, neural ReadMore...

Paul L Wood

Lincoln Memorial University

Biography: Paul L Wood has completed his Ph.D. from Queen’s University and ReadMore...

Research Interest: Utilization of metabolomics to study mechanisms of pathogene ReadMore...

Deliang Guo

Assistant Professor
The Ohio State University

Biography: Deliang Guo is an Assistant professor at Department of Radiation Oncol ReadMore...

Research Interest: EGFR signaling, lipid metabolism

Jayoung Kim

Associate Professor
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Biography: As an NIH-funded translational scientist and an Associate Professor at ReadMore...

Research Interest: Cancer Biology,Biomedical Sciences, surgery

Preeti Bais

Associate Computational Scientist
Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine

Biography: Preeti Bais is associate scientist at the Computational Sciences group ReadMore...

Research Interest: Mass Spectrometry, Machine learning, bioinformatics , databa ReadMore...

Smiti Gupta

Associate Professor
Wayne State University


Research Interest: My current research focuses on combining metabolomics, a new ReadMore...

George G Chen

Director of Surgical Lab
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong

Biography: George G Chen is a professor in the Department of Surgery, Director of ReadMore...

Research Interest: Metabolomics

Alexander A. Kamnev

Russian Academy of Sciences

Biography: Professor Alexander A. Kamnev is a Leading Scientist at the Institute ReadMore...

Russian Academy of Sciences

Zeeshan Ahmed

Associate Professor
University of Wuerzburg

Biography: Zeeshan Ahmed works at the University of Wuerzburg with a strong inter ReadMore...

Research Interest: Neurobiology and Genetics

Zuyi (Jacky) Huang

Department of Chemical Engineering
Villanova University

Biography: Zuyi (Jacky) Huang completed his Ph.D. from Texas A&M University in 20 ReadMore...

Research Interest: 1) deriving quantitative data for transcription factors by a ReadMore...

Vicki Schlegel

Associate Professor
University of Nebraska Lincoln

Biography: Dr. Vicki has done MS Analytical Chemistry from University of Nebraska ReadMore...

Research Interest: Synergistic interactions of secondary metabolites on maintai ReadMore...

Dr. Steven Pelech


Biography: Pelech is the President and Chief Scientific Officer of Kinexus Bioinf ReadMore...

Research Interest: Proteomics, Bioinformatics

Dr. Matthew Kuruc

ProFACT Proteomics Inc

Biography: Matthew Kuruc is a serial entrepreneur, starting as a co-founder of Af ReadMore...

Research Interest: Proteomics, Proteomic-Instruments

Dr. Hesham Ali

University of Nebraska

Biography: Professor of Computer Science and the Lee and Wilma Seaman Distinguish ReadMore...

Research Interest: Biomedical Research, Bioinformatics

Dr. Peter Hoffman

Deputy Director
Adelaide Proteomics Center

Biography: Hoffmann received his Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry at University of t ReadMore...

Research Interest: Proteomics, Analytical Chemistry

Dr. Dan Crimmins

Washington University

Biography: Dan Crimmins received his Ph.D. at Washington University (WU) in Saint ReadMore...

Research Interest: Physical Chemistry, Protein Analysis Study

Dr. Alan J Tackett

Associate Professor
University of Arkansas

Biography: Alan J Tackett is an Associate Professor of Biochemistry at the Univer ReadMore...

Research Interest: Proteomics, Biochemistry

Dr. Soraya L. Valles

University of Valencia

Biography: By 1990 Soraya graduated in Biological Science at the University of Va ReadMore...

Research Interest: Biology, Neurology

Dr. Jasmina N Jovanovic

Senior Lecturer
UCL School of Pharmacy

Biography: Jasmina N. Jovanovic received her BSc in Molecular Biology and Physiol ReadMore...

Research Interest: Molecular Biology, Neuroscience

Dr. Chunyu Liu

Associate Professor
University of Illinois

Biography: Chunyu Liu is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, ReadMore...

Research Interest: Genetics, Psychiatry

Dr. Tiziana Bonaldi

Group Leader
European Institute of Oncology

Biography: Tiziana Bonaldi has completed her Ph.D. from the Parco Biomedico San R ReadMore...

Research Interest: Proteomics, Biochemistry

Dr. David Sheehan

University Cork College

Biography: David Sheehan is in the School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology at Uni ReadMore...

Research Interest: Proteomics, Bioinformatics

Dr. Xuequen Chen

Assistant Professor
Wayne State University

Biography: Xuequn Chen is currently an assistant professor in the School of Medic ReadMore...

Research Interest: Proteomics, Cellular Proteomics

Achuth Padmanabhan

Post Doctoral
Yale University

Biography: Achuth Padmanabhan has completed his PhD from University of Maryland B ReadMore...

Research Interest:

Gjumrakch Aliev

President and CEO
GALLY International Biomedical Research Consulting

Biography: In 1982 Gjumrakch Aliev graduated summa cum laude from the Azerbaijan ReadMore...

Research Interest: Drug development strategies.

Mire Zloh

University of Hertfordshire

Biography: Dr. Mire Zloh was awarded a BSc and an MSc in Physical Chemistry by Un ReadMore...

Research Interest: Computer-aided drug design, structural chemistry and chemome ReadMore...

Patrick M Woster

Professor/Smart State Endowed Chair/Director
Medical University of South Carolina

Biography: Patrick M. Woster received a B.S. in Pharmacy from the University of N ReadMore...

Research Interest: Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of epigenetic mo ReadMore...

Xiang-Qun Xie

Director/ Professor
University of Pittsburgh

Biography: Dr. Xie is an expert in Medicinal Chemistry, Computational Chemistry/B ReadMore...

Research Interest: GPCR CB2 membrane protein structure/function studies and sma ReadMore...

Mark D Shenderovich

Principal and CSO
Mol3D Research,

Biography: Mark D. Shenderovich, PhD, principal and CSO of Mol3D Research, LLC, i ReadMore...

Research Interest: Molecular modeling, computer-aided drug design, computationa ReadMore...

Jianwen Fang

The University of Kansas`

Biography: Dr. Fang is an Associate Scientist and the Director of the Applied Bio ReadMore...

Research Interest: Chemical informatics, bioinformatics, genomic and proteomic ReadMore...

G Sridhar Prasad

Vice President
CalAsia Pharmaceuticals

Biography: Dr. G. Sridhar Prasad is the co-founder and VP of Research of CalAsia ReadMore...

Research Interest: Drug discovery

Horacio Pérez-Sánchez

University of Murcia

Biography: Dr. Horacio Pérez-Sánchez graduated in Theoretical and Computat ReadMore...

Research Interest: Bioinformatics and drug discovery

Gerard Rosse

Associate Director
Dart Neuroscience

Biography: Dr. Rossé has been involved in drug discovery research and developm ReadMore...

Research Interest: Drug discovery research and developemnt

Alexander Heifetz

Principal Scientist
Evotec Ltd

Biography: Dr. Alexander Heifetz is a Principal Scientist at Evotec (UK) Ltd, a d ReadMore...

Research Interest: Medicinal chemistry, molecular modeling, drug discovery

Larry Wilson

Principal Scientist
Emory University

Biography: Larry Wilson completed his PhD from Emory University and postdoctoral ReadMore...

Research Interest: Drug discovery

Cesar M Compadre

University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Biography: Dr. Compadre has extensive research experience, on the development of ReadMore...

Research Interest: Molecular modeling, natural products, structural biology, dr ReadMore...

Prabagaran Narayanasamy

University of Nebraska Medical Center

Biography: Dr. Prabagaran Narayanasamy is a faculty member in the Department of P ReadMore...

Research Interest: Development, delivering and discovering drug for anti-mycoba ReadMore...

Rakeshwar Bandichhor

Associate Director
Dr. Reddy′s Laboratories

Biography: Dr. Rakeshwar has more than 80 papers including patents and book chapt ReadMore...

Research Interest: Chemistry

Brian S J Blagg

The University of Kansas

Biography: Professor Brian S J Blagg completed his PhD from the University of Uta ReadMore...

Research Interest: Medicinal chemistry

Jiapu Zhang

Research Scientist
The University of Ballarat

Biography: Dr. Jiapu Zhang is an Australian-based Research Scientist. He finished ReadMore...

Research Interest: Protein structure and function, structural dynamics and stru ReadMore...

Purushottamachar Puranik

University of Maryland School of Medicine

Biography: Dr. Purushottamachar Puranik is currently a Research Associate in Dr. ReadMore...

Research Interest: Chemical Technology

Thomas Högberg

Senior Scientific Advisor
LEO Pharma

Biography: Dr Högberg has spent over 40 years in the pharmaceutical industry a ReadMore...

Research Interest: Drug discovery, medicinal chemistry

Tulay Aygan Atesin

Assistant Professor
The University of Texas-Pan American

Biography: Dr. Tulay A. Atesin received her Ph. D. in 2007 from the University of ReadMore...

Research Interest: Organic reaction mechanisms, computational chemistry, and in ReadMore...

Csaba Hetenyi

Research Associate Professor
Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Biography: Dr. Csaba Hetényi is a Research Associate Professor at the Molecula ReadMore...

Research Interest: Chemical biophysics, computational and medicinal chemistry, ReadMore...

Jaya Pandey

Assistant Professor
Amity University, Lucknow Campus

Biography: Jaya Pandey has completed her PhD from Central Drug Research Institute ReadMore...

Research Interest: Medicinal/organic chemistry